Wednesday 24 August 2016

Monsoon is beautiful if you stay healthy

For us monsoon is about some tea and snacks, retro music out of sight and the sound of the raindrops on your window sheet. But, this photo immaculate circumstance leaves the window when you venture out. You have to know some common monsoon diseases. While some are effectively treatable a couple can be life threatening. Dr Naveen Chawla, Consultant Internal Medicine Mayom hospital    take this initiative to aware you about some of these.

In the list of top common monsoon illnesses, Malaria takes the main spot. Female anopheles mosquito causes malaria; they as a rule breed in waterlogged area. Thus, clean your water tank every now and then to maintain a strategic distance from the danger of malaria. The usualsymptoms of malaria are fever, muscle pain, shiver and weakness.

This is another common illness duringrainy season, which is caused because of unhygienic use or treatment of water and food. There are two principle sorts of diarrhea- chronic and acute. Both of these are profoundly preventable and treatable. Thus to avoid this disease, maintain appropriate cleanliness, wash hands before eating and drink just boiled water.

Dengue fever is a monsoon disease caused by mosquitoes. The common symptoms of dengue are fever, body throbs, rashes and joint pain. Tiger mosquito causes this disease. To abstain from being a casualty of tiger mosquito, use insect repellent and cover yourself appropriately with clothes.

Typhoid is a water-borne ailment, which is on high rise amid monsoon. S. Typhi microscopic organisms cause typhoid, which is transmitted through expending defiled water or sustenance. Poor sanitation also causes this disease to spread. The normal symptomsof typhoid are fever, migraine, pain, weakness and sore throat. To prevent this disease, wash your hands usually, abstain from devouring road side food or water and drink a lot of healthy fluid.

Cholera is a fatal monsoon ailment. Cholera is normally brought about by expending sullied sustenance and water. It is also brought about because of poor hygienic conditions. Serious diarrhea with loose motions is the most widely recognized symptoms of cholera. One can keep the event of cholera by drinking clean water and keep up a legitimate cleanliness.

Jaundice infections are typically spread through debased water and sustenance. The symptoms of jaundice are yellow pee, weakness, retching and liver brokenness. Drink boiled water and abstain from eating road sustenance, to keep jaundice under control this monsoon. All the best!

Mayom Hospital Gurgaon is a multispecialty and one of the best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana. You can visit Mayom Hospital’s OPD for treatment of any above mentioned disease.

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