Friday 13 January 2017

Neurological disorders and speech impediments

There is no denying the fact that the central or peripheral nervous system essentially acts as the human body’s electrical wiring. Any kind of discrepancy in any part of the circuit hampers the functioning of the brain and leaves the person disoriented. It marks the onset of a number of neurological disorders that can even impact a patient’s communication in multiple ways.

Mayom Hospital, Neurological disorders

A panel of specialised neurologists from Mayom Hospital explains that progressive neurological disorders weaken or damagethe nerves that control the functioning of facial muscles, vocal cords, larynx, jaws, or teeth. Such disturbances result in speech abnormalities, language defects, and cognitive disabilities.

Cognition related: When the affected individual faces difficulties with retaining information (memory).The person usually fails to be attentive and lacks concentration.
Language related: When there is deterioration in the ability to understand and subsequently express through language.
Speech related: When the patient is unable to speak (loss of speech). It might also include articulation difficulties,slurred speech, dysphonia, etc.

Many progressive and degenerative neurological disorders hamper a person’s communication and lead to different types of speech impediments. Some of the most common ones include:

Parkinson’s Disease:
A movement disorder, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) leads to stiff muscles, tremors, and walking difficulties. It also impacts the shoulder, neck and face muscles. The patient eventually loses control on facial expressions and the speech becomes slurred or unclear.

Multiple Sclerosis:
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) causes inflammation in the central nervous system, which affects the patient’s ability to coordinate and balance. It also impairs memory, judgement, concentration, attention, intellect and speech.

Motor Neurone Disease:      
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) usually weakens the muscles of the face and throat, leading to difficulties speaking, chewing or swallowing. It some cases, it may also cause articulation problems, hoarseness, or fluctuations in voice’s volume, pitch and rate.

Alzheimer’s Disease:
An individual affected by Alzheimer’s disease usually faces difficulties related to both language and cognition. The patient’s ability to handle plan, execute or memorise things is severally hampered. The progression of the disease further causes problems with language, calculation, and visuo-spacial skills.

Huntington’s Disease
Patients with Huntington’s disease face a lot of communication and cognitive difficulties. Imprecise sound articulation, hypernasality, aphasia, and dysarthria are some of the common speech problems associated with this disorder.

So if you or any of your loved one is facing difficulties with speech or communication because of a neurological impairment, it is advisable to take professional help from skilled medics. You could get in touch with an experienced neurologist or a speech and language therapy expert for right diagnosis, treatment and management of such disorders.

You could also book an appointment with our experts from the department of Neurosciences at Mayom Hospital. Visit for details.  

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Food that reduce the risk of womb cancer

Endometrial cancer is the most common type of cancer. It starts from the endometrium which is the inner lining of the womb. It is also known as uterine cancer or cancer of the uterus. The exact cause of endometrial cancer is still unknown. However, many risk factors involve the body’s exposure to the female sex hormone, estrogen. Womb cancer is quite common in women after the menopause.

Certain foods can help lessen your chances of developing cancer – especially when consumed as part of a healthy diet. Dr. Arti Gupta, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mayom Hospital, shares some foods you should include in a healthy diet.

Some research suggests that women who drink quite a few cups of black coffee daily are 25% less prone to develop uterine cancer or other sorts of the diseases. Coffee holds compounds that alter the way a woman’s body utilizes certain hormones, such as estrogen and insulin. This change relates to the drink’s anti-cancer properties.

Lentils are rich in dietary fiber which restrains the development of colorectal cancer. Fiber helps your gut produce chemicals that prevent the formation of tumor cells. Fiber also lowers the cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. Other rich fiber sources include beans, barley, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta.

Garlic is laden with vitamins B6 and C, manganese, and selenium. Some research suggests that these nutrients can repulse the cancer cell growth in the intestines. This pungent seasoning might also help lowering your risk of stomach, breast and colon cancers.

Leafy greens
Green leafy vegetables including spinach, kale and broccoli are highly nutritious. They’re stuffed with fiber, minerals, phytochemicals and vitamins that reduce the risks of colorectal cancer. Eating plenty of leafy greens can also help you maintain a healthy body weight.

Including these foods to your diet is a great way to help protect your body from cancer,” Dr. Arti adds.

Visit MayomHospital for any medical emergency and treatment. It is a Multispecialty Hospital with experienced doctors and hi tech medical facilities.

Friday 23 September 2016

Hepatitis B: Everything you need to know

Hepatitis B is a severe liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). People of all ages are vulnerable to this virus. Dr. BN Singh, General Physician of Mayom Hospital explains, “This is a “chronic” infection which can lead to liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, and even death in some cases.” This virus is present in the blood and other body fluids of infected people. Most commonly, it is spread through sexual contact, by sharing needles or from an HBV-infected mother to her infant. HBV can also be spread through customary household contact with HBV-infected people. Here are the some common facts about Hepatitis B that you need to know.

  • 1.       The hepatitis B vaccine prevents liver cancer.
  • 2.       Adults age 19 through 59 with diabetes are more prone to develop acute hepatitis B infection.
  • 3.       Hepatitis B infections have slumped significantly since 1991 when a strategy to eradicate HBV transmission through immunization was initiated. 
  • 4.       A projected 800,000 to 1.4 million people in India have chronic HBV infection.
  • 5.       Babies born to hepatitis B-infected women are highly prone to get this infection from their mothers in case they don’t receive their first hepatitis B vaccination and immune globulin (IG) at birth.
  • 6.       If hepatitis B vaccination were routinely offered to people, more than 50 percent of new hepatitis B cases could have been prevented.
  • 7.       The hepatitis B virus is 100 times more infectious than HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
  • 8.       Even if a person infected with hepatitis B virus does not feel unwell, he or she can still transmit this disease to others.
  • 9.       Hepatitis B virus is found in blood and other body fluids like semen and vaginal secretions. 
  • 1.   Although, Hepatitis B is a sexually-transmitted disease, but it can also be transmitted by regular household contact with an infected person.

Hepatitis B virus infection can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. You cannot get hepatitis B from the hepatitis B vaccine. The hepatitis B vaccine is the best way to prevent infection. The vaccine is a series of 3 or 4 shots. Adults at risk and all babies, children, and teenagers should be vaccinated.

Reach  Mayom Hospital  a multispecialty hospital in Gurgaon for any kind of medical emergencies.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary Edema is a condition caused by abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs. This fluid builds up in air sacs, making it difficult to breathe. “It may cause respiratory failure, lead by impaired gas exchange“, says Dr S C Baluja Consultant Internal Medicine, Mayom Hospital.

mayom hospital

Symptoms and Signs

Coughing up blood
Wheezing or gasping for breath
Anxiety or restlessness
Pale skin
Excessive sweating
Coughing up pink frothy sputum
Palpitation (irregular heartbeat)
Chest pain


Our lungs contain small, elastic air sacs called alveoli. Normally, these air sacs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide without any difficulty. But in case of Pulmonary Edema, alveoli get filled with fluid in place of air. This prevents oxygen from getting absorbed into our blood stream.

A number of conditions can cause fluid accumulation in lungs.

Cardiogenic (heart related) causes:

Hypertensive crisis (High blood pressure)
Congestive heart failure
Severe heart attack with left ventricular failure
Severe arrhythmias (too fast/slow heartbeat)

Non-cardiogenic causes:

Aspirin overdose
Major lung injury
Inhalation of poisonous gas
Severe lung infection
High altitude exposure
Narrowed arteries that carry blood to kidneys
Severe seizures


Cases of Pulmonary Edema require immediate medical attention. At Mayom Hospital, almost all patients are examined in the emergency room.
Patients are given oxygen through tiny plastic tubes placed in the nose, or a face mask is used.
If patients are unable to breathe on their own, a breathing tube connected to a ventilator is inserted into the windpipe (trachea).
Medicines are given to patients to get rid of excess fluid from the body (for e.g. Diuretics)


Take all your medicines as directed by the doctor in case you have a disease that can lead to a weakened heart muscle or pulmonary edema.

Follow a healthy diet that is low in fat and salt, and maintain an ideal body weight for your height and age.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Monsoon is beautiful if you stay healthy

For us monsoon is about some tea and snacks, retro music out of sight and the sound of the raindrops on your window sheet. But, this photo immaculate circumstance leaves the window when you venture out. You have to know some common monsoon diseases. While some are effectively treatable a couple can be life threatening. Dr Naveen Chawla, Consultant Internal Medicine Mayom hospital    take this initiative to aware you about some of these.

In the list of top common monsoon illnesses, Malaria takes the main spot. Female anopheles mosquito causes malaria; they as a rule breed in waterlogged area. Thus, clean your water tank every now and then to maintain a strategic distance from the danger of malaria. The usualsymptoms of malaria are fever, muscle pain, shiver and weakness.

This is another common illness duringrainy season, which is caused because of unhygienic use or treatment of water and food. There are two principle sorts of diarrhea- chronic and acute. Both of these are profoundly preventable and treatable. Thus to avoid this disease, maintain appropriate cleanliness, wash hands before eating and drink just boiled water.

Dengue fever is a monsoon disease caused by mosquitoes. The common symptoms of dengue are fever, body throbs, rashes and joint pain. Tiger mosquito causes this disease. To abstain from being a casualty of tiger mosquito, use insect repellent and cover yourself appropriately with clothes.

Typhoid is a water-borne ailment, which is on high rise amid monsoon. S. Typhi microscopic organisms cause typhoid, which is transmitted through expending defiled water or sustenance. Poor sanitation also causes this disease to spread. The normal symptomsof typhoid are fever, migraine, pain, weakness and sore throat. To prevent this disease, wash your hands usually, abstain from devouring road side food or water and drink a lot of healthy fluid.

Cholera is a fatal monsoon ailment. Cholera is normally brought about by expending sullied sustenance and water. It is also brought about because of poor hygienic conditions. Serious diarrhea with loose motions is the most widely recognized symptoms of cholera. One can keep the event of cholera by drinking clean water and keep up a legitimate cleanliness.

Jaundice infections are typically spread through debased water and sustenance. The symptoms of jaundice are yellow pee, weakness, retching and liver brokenness. Drink boiled water and abstain from eating road sustenance, to keep jaundice under control this monsoon. All the best!

Mayom Hospital Gurgaon is a multispecialty and one of the best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana. You can visit Mayom Hospital’s OPD for treatment of any above mentioned disease.

Knee Replacement Suregery: Some Important Key Factors

Persons with age related knee cartilage degeneration or repeat knee injuries experience decreased mobility, knee stiffness and sometimes serious pain that is overseen by unsafe pain killer drugs. Doctors of Mayom hospital highlight some of the details about Knee Replacement Surgery.

In case that you don’t react well to numerous conservative strategies for treatment, your doctor will suggest you to undergo full or partial knee replacement surgery.

There are 2 noteworthy types of knee replacement surgeries, partial and full. A full joint replacement is not prescribed for younger patients since an average life span for a ceramic or clay prosthesis is around 10-15 years, in this manner it might destroy sooner which may require extra surgery that is not suggested. Partial knee surgery is more appropriate for younger people with significant ligament harm caused due to wounds or diseases.

The successful knee surgery results firmly depend upon the careful patient section to guarantee that knee joint prosthesis will work without limitations of its capacity and bring positive changes in the patient’s lifestyle. The perfect possibility for a knee replacement surgery is more than 60 year of age, having realistic expectations and not seriously overweight. Also, a man planning for a surgery of this kind must will and devoted to experience difficult however fundamental exercise based recuperation.

During your surgical process your doctor makes an incision using a surgical blade or a laser which enormously diminishes bleeding during and after surgery. Once the doctor accesses the knee joint, he will expel the harmed knee joint and cartilage debris and supplant it with a ceramic or metal prosthesis.

The effective knee surgery will allow its patients to return to daily life and even participate in some low effect sports like swimming, bicycling and golfing. But remember, your knees are not yet ready for heavy exercises.
Knee replacement recovery stage will start soon after your surgery and will include exercise based recuperation sessions that are somewhat difficult but should be performed to accomplish appropriate knee joint flexibility. You need great knee joint flexibility to do simple daily tasks like strolling unassisted, getting up from a sitting position and so on. Knee control strategy may be important if your knee joint flexibility can’t be accomplished through physical therapy exercises.

Converse with your orthopedic specialist at Mayom Hospital, if knee replacement surgery is a good fit for you and will give relief to your agonizing and swollen joints as a result of age related degeneration process or numerous knee wounds.

Friday 19 August 2016

Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Dengue Fever is a disease that is caused due to a virus carried by mosquitoes. Aedes Aegypti is the mosquito that spreads this disease through its bite. Individuals who go to various parts of the world will probably be influenced by the disease. Dr B N Singh of Mayom Hospital Gurgaon has given some of the important factors about Dengue Fever under this article.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
Once the disease sets in after the mosquito bites, within 4 to 7 days the person experiences sudden high fever, frequently coming to up to 104 or 105 degree Fahrenheit. The fever may also be accompanied by a red rash that shows up over the body. After a couple of days, a second red rash similar to measles may appear. Increased sensitivity and discomfort of the skin are frequently experienced because of the rash. Some of the other normal symptoms may incorporate joint pains, fatigue, muscle throbs, headache (usually behind the eyes), swollen lymph hubs, vomiting and queasiness.
Diagnosis Tests
A couple of tests might be done to analyze the disease. These incorporate Polymerase chain response (PCR) or Antibody Titer test to distinguish the exact kind of dengue fever and a complete blood check (CBC).
Dengue fever does not have a particular treatment. Just the symptoms of the disease are controlled utilizing certain medicines. On account of high fever, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be recommended. It is vital that patients keep away from Aspirin during this period. Since dehydration usually happens amid the ailment, it is important to give liquids to the patient when signs of dehydration are clear.
Dengue fever is not a fatal disease. It causes uneasiness to the patient when symptoms are present, usually for a week or more. Be that as it may, the patient would completely recuperate within a couple of days. In serious cases of the disease, different complexities like Febrile shaking and extreme lack of hydration may occur.
In case that a man has made a trip to a place where there is a flare-up of the disease, they have to contact a doctor when they sense a couple of symptoms of the disease.
Since the disease is caused by mosquitoes, minimizing one’s exposure to mosquitoes would be the best type of preventing the disease. The use of mosquito anti-agents, mesh and full dress can avert mosquito bites. Travelling to tropical areas when mosquito activity is insignificant could also offer assistance. Local authorities can also lead mosquito abatement programs to diminish the risk of disease in the environment.