Friday 22 April 2016

Are you suffering from Spondylosis?

mayom hospital spondylosis
Spondylosis alludes to degeneration of the spine. The term can be referred to depict degeneration in the:
Neck, called as cervical spondylosis
Middle back, called as called thoracic spondylosis
Lower back, called as called lumbar spondylosis
Cervical Spondylosis – This spondylosis typically influences the vertebrae in the neck. The spinal cord of the neck becomes narrow and small applying force on the spine. It first causes pain. Thus, in case it is not treated properly, it can cause dysfunction of the body and even paralysis below the neck. The symptoms include pain in the neck, change in posture particularly when strolling and in extreme cases can lead to weakness and numbness in any side of body.
Lumbar Spondylosis - The lumbar spondylosis occurs in the lower back. Here the vertebrae move against each other. This leads to overlapping of vertebrates over each other. And thus, the body weight will also apply pressure to the influenced area, causing pain. This pain reaches the lower back and can emanate down the lower limbs. In such a case, it becomes difficult to walk or even twist around. The change in posture also causes pain.
Thoracic spondylosis - Thoracic spondylosis is an uncommon type of spondylosis that is most commmon in people who are above 50 years old. In this, there is a degeneration of the delicate tissue in the thoracic segment, or mid-segment, of the spine. Since the thoracic spine is not under extreme pressure or versatility like the lumbar or cervical spine, degeneration tends to start somewhere else before influencing the thoracic spine. In this, you will experience the ill effects of firmness and pain in the mid back, especially in the morning after you wake up. You may also experience the ill effects of numbness or tingling in the legs, arms, hands, or feet. There will also be loss of coordination, muscle weakness or even difficulty in walking.
Whatever the type of Spondylosis may be, it can be overcome, if it is treated properly and for treating it properly, there is no place better than Mayom Hospital. It is a place where medical care is provided with a human touch. Fully equipped with all state of the art technologies, this hospital is competent enough to deal with all kinds of causalities and medical emergencies. So if you’re searching for a right place to treat your spondylosis, visit Mayom Hospital Gurgaon.

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